Revamping the website to encourage users to travel safely and with a plan.





UI Designer, UX Designer, UX Researcher


4 weeks (Dec 2023 ~ Jan 2024)




Google Meet


Akanksha Gaur

Caley Zheng

Jady Lee

Julia Kan

Lauryne Yeung

Parthavi Patel


Due to the time restriction we had to cover the scope; the end result is more on ensuring we accommodated and enhanced the pain points we have found through rigorous research and provided a low fidelity prototype alongside with some research we have conducted.


Here is a case study and project carried out to provide a new layout for YAS’ sub-company; Bravel.

The objective is to divert and create sales for Travel Insurances directly from the travel site from current partnered sites.

Things Covered:

  • Usability Testing + Survey

  • Statistics

  • Low Fidelity Prototype

  • Solutions

Problem Statement:

Unable to be independent and depending on other hotels and services to sell their travelling insurances.

What they wanted:

  • To have their own working site

  • Generate more sales for the packs and services directly from their sub-company

  • Browse and get information for travel destinations to retain customers

Objective & Goals:

  • Make a design that encourages user to purchase travel insurances

  • Research and understand more of the Hong Kong Market and the demands



During the development of the project, we encountered a few issues:

  • When conducting the qualitative research, we collaborated with clients to recruit genuine Bravel blog and Yas Insurance users. However, the recruitment process did not meet our ideal expectations and we had to recruit other candidates who were willing to help conduct the survey and testing.

  • Despite managing to engage with 3 authentic users and receiving valuable feedback during those interviews, it would be better involving a larger number of real users would have provided us with a bigger picture to explore potential solutions not just to existing users.

  • We did not have enough graphical content or context to fill up our prototype and with the constriction of time, we could not polish up the final prototype to present.

Lessons Learned:

After the project, we learnt that certain aspects can enhance the overall experience: 

  • Trustworthiness is prior checklist in Insurance world. During the research we find out users trust in online services are not high, they prefer sites that are recommended by friends & family, it is important to build trust with your customers.

  • Customer reviews & feedbacks section can be added on Bravel Blog to develop trust & confidence of user.

  • We will indefinitely need to press the clients to provide the relevant resources in order to increase efficiency and to make the best use of the project.

Pain Points:

  • No awareness of YAS Insurance on Bravel blog, insufficient language choices available on the Bravel travel blog

  • Navigation on the Bravel blog could be enhanced for a more streamlined user experience.

  • Excessive amount of information on the travel blog, with irrelevant information present on each section.

  • User expressed concerns about the user interface on the Bravel blog. This may potentially discourage users from further exploring the site.



  • Yas Insurance button can be added on Bravel homepage to navigate easily to insurance website. 

  • Special designated space can be created promoting YAS Travel Insurance, establishing a relationship between both websites & awareness about Yas product.

  • Customer reviews & feedbacks section can be added on Bravel Blog to develop trust & confidence of users.

  • Bravel blog need to reduce related information on front page and to be more easy to navigate with more organisation.

Needed to study more on the current market and what their demands are so we decided to conduct research into YAS’ company history and what may be the potential pointers of how and why the website can further develop to encourage users to access more.

  • The target market:

    • Local Hong Kongers that have interest to travel after taking a look at the current product.

  • Higher-level market research:

    • Surveys, questionnaires and some usability testing on the current product

    • Why did we do that?

      • To see the product from different perspectives what was and was not working for the company

Challenges Faced During the Survey Process:

  1. Actual users of Bravel blog website were not available

  2. There were only 2 YAS insurance users in our research.

  3. Due to limited times we were able to focus only some of the issues raised by the users

Survey Questions we asked our volunteers

Survey + Takeaways:

Conducting roughly around 10 different interviews (which we meshed together with surveys and usability testing for those who were available and willing to take some time to carry out)

  • A lot of the local Hong Kongers found the current layout quite nostalgic

  • More younger or foreign candidates found it overwhelming and condensed

  • Common take away:

    • The layout of the information and how old some of the posts were, discouraged users from finding credibility to the information.

Conclusion of Survey:

  • Majority failed to notice that travel insurances can be purchased within the blogs

  • Placement was discrete and not obvious that it was hosted by YAS

Consolidated Plan Board

Secondary Research

Research by Klook in 2023 (3412 Participant, 18-59 Age group) based on Hong Kong people travel behaviours + Our Survey

User Personas

How Might We…

  1. Highlight how to raise awareness of YAS on Bravel (make it more obvious on Bravel site) -
    How might we make it obvious and easier to invite users to access YAS products/insurance, so that [outcome]?

  2. Enhance some of the links that looked untrustworthy -
    How might we alter the appearance of the website so that users can feel confident/trusting in using it?

  3. How might we reorganize/change hierarchy of topics so that users can quickly find information on their destination?

  4. How might we simplify/enhance the UI so that users can find what they are interested in (promo codes)?

Information Architecture (SiteMap):

Site Map

The basic information architecture for the website using existing information available on the current site.

Low Fidelity Wireframe:

After consolidating the statistics and feedback we have gathered from our candidates, we decided to compile and start developing wire-frames/prototypes that could further improve the pain points we have encountered.

Low Fidelity Prototype (short)

Low Fidelity Prototype (Extended)

Low Fidelity to Mid Prototype:

With a few more revisions added to the prototype to further enhance the pages, we added some context to make this more readable and easier to navigate.

Mid Fidelity Prototype (Short)

Mid Fidelity Prototype (Extended)

What we had as a result:

Due to the constriction of time and lack of resources, we left a few graphical contents out to focus more on the layout. Though the website is in default Cantonese, we decided to use English to ensure the whole team can work and navigate the prototype as a sub usability testing among ourselves for efficient usage of time.

Home Page - Low Fidelity

Consolidated Presentation Below!


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